Ball Games
General Conditions
Each Group may enter a team to compete in separate Boys and Girls ball games competitions. The Ball Games Competitions are conducted in accordance with the Australian Air League Manual, Section 24.
Each team consists of eight (8) members who shall be under the age of eighteen (18) years. Teams are either all male or all female. Teams must be dressed in Physical Education attire in accordance with Section 18 of the Australian Air League Manual. AAL uniform shall not be worn in substitution of Physical Education attire. All members of a team shall be dressed the same. Any team not dressed in accordance with these conditions shall not be permitted to take part in the competition. The ball to be used for each game as nominated shall be as follows:
Medicine Ball:
Medicine balls used in AAL physical activities competitions shall weigh at least 2.25 kilograms. No restrictions shall apply to the circumference of medicine balls.
Basket Ball:
Basket balls used in AAL physical activities competitions shall be a regulation competition ball 76.25 cm in circumference.
All commands shall be given by one (1) blow of a whistle from the competition official.
First Whistle:
Team standing at attention on markers with team captains standing on the first markers as appropriate with the relevant ball at their feet.
Second Whistle:
Teams assume the ready position appropriate to the particular game to be played.
Third Whistle:
Game commences. If a false start has occurred, this will be indicated by two (2) rapid whistle blows. In such a circumstance the teams shall stop immediately and return to their original positions at which stage the competition shall commence again. All positions of team members will be indicated on the ground by means of markers. This will also be used as a line marker if the game requires the team members to move to a given point.
Movement off the markers will result in disqualification except if changing position due to rotation or where a game permits members to bunch up. Teams line up in single file on parallel lines to each other no closer than three (3) metres apart. Each team occupies one line. The lines are marked at intervals of one (1) metre from front to rear with the team captain on the first marker.
Ball Games Rules and Procedures
Game A – Game Number One (1) Tunnel Ball (Medicine Ball)
Link to Printable Page: Ball Games Number 1 – Tunnel Ball
Teams line up in single file on parallel lines to each other no closer than three (3) metres apart. Each team occupies one line, the lines are marked at intervals of one (l) metre from front to rear with the team captain on the first marker.
“First whistle” All of the team is standing to attention and the captain has the ball at his/her feet.
“Second whistle” Ready position. Team members’ feet astride and body bent downwards to make a tunnel with their legs for the ball to pass through. The Captain picks up the ball with both hands and holds it clear of the ground.
“Third whistle” Game Commences. The Captain sets the game in motion by throwing the ball down the tunnel where it is propelled by the hands of the team to the member on the end of the line. When the end member receives the ball, he/she runs on the right hand side of the team to the head of the line (see diagram below), while all members move back one (l) marker. The runner then takes up the captain’s position and sets the ball going again. As the process is repeated the captain gradually works down to the end of the line. When he/she receives the ball as the last runner he/she runs through to the finish line 10 metres in front, then facing the team at attention with the ball at his/her feet and the rest of the team also standing at attention indicating that they have finished.
- It is not necessary for each member to touch the ball.
- One foot must be kept on each side of the marker. No bunching up is allowed.
- If the ball goes out of the tunnel it may be recovered by the player who missed it and play continued from that point.
- The member at the end of the line is not permitted to stand back from the mark and take the ball on the run.
Game Number One – Start Position:
Game Number One – During Play:
Game Number One – End Position:
Game B – Game Number Four (4) Bounce Return Relay (Basketball)
Link to Printable Page: Ball Games Number 4 – Bounce Return Relay
Teams line up in single file on parallel lines to each other no closer than three (3) metres apart. Each team occupies one line, the lines are marked at intervals of one (l) metre from front to rear with the team captain on the first marker.
“First whistle” All of the team is standing to attention and the captain has the ball at his/her feet.
“Second whistle” Ready Position. The Captain picks up the ball and the remainder of the team bunch up behind the captain (moving off the markers).
“Third whistle” Game Commences. Captain runs to the three (3) metre marker in front of the team, stops, and throws the ball back to the next team member who catches the ball after one bounce. The captain then runs down the right hand side of the team (see diagram below) to take up a position at the rear of the team. At the same time the member who caught the ball runs to the front marker and throws the ball back to the next member who catches it after one bounce and so on till the captain is back on his/her marker, along with each team member on his/her marker, standing to attention and the captain with the ball at his/her feet, indicating that they have finished.
- Members throwing the ball back to the team must be standing at attention and stationary before throwing the ball back to the team.
- Members throwing the ball must ensure the ball bounces once before the team members catches the ball
- Members catching the ball must not leave their position prior to receiving the ball and must not catch the ball until it has bounced once.
- If the member receiving the ball drops or misses the ball, it must be returned to the member who threw the ball, and thrown again until the ball is caught
Game Number Four – Start Position:
Game Number Four – During Play:
Game Number Four – End Position:
Game C – Game Number Five (5) Time Ball Relay (Basketball)
Link to Printable Page: Ball Games Number 5 – Time Ball Relay (Basketball)
Teams line up in single file on parallel lines to each other no closer than three (3) metres apart. Each team occupies one line, the lines are marked at intervals of one (l) metre from front to rear with the team captain on the first marker.
“First whistle” All of the team is standing to attention and the captain has the ball at his/her feet.
“Second whistle” Ready Position. Ready Position, Captain runs to the three (3) metre marker the remainder of the team move off the markers and bunch up behind the front marker..
“Third whistle” Game Commences. The Captain throws the ball to the first member who in turn throws it back and assumes a crouched position, the captain then throws it to the next member and so on till each member has caught and returned the ball. The last member on catching the ball runs up the right hand side to the captains’ position, the captain in turn going to the first position and the other members moving back to allow him/her in. This continues until the captain receives the ball as the last member and runs to the 3 metre marker and stands to attention with the rest of the team with the ball at his/her feet indicating that they have finished.
- If the ball is dropped it must be returned to the thrower for another throw and continued until it is caught.
- Crouched position is not sitting – only feet and hands may be on the ground.